Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are in relation to Hannah King Yoga.

Private 1 to 1's

If you require to cancel your private 1:1 session this must be done via email, text, or phone call 24 hours prior to the session in order to avoid a late cancellation fee of £50.

Yoga Workshops and Events

Full payment must be made to secure your booking for a Workshop or a Pop up class. 

Workshops, Retreats and Pop up classes are non refundable after 14 days of purchase.

In the event of myself cancelling a Retreat/Workshop we will refund Members all deposits and payments they have made. We cannot however compensate  for any additional costs incurred. 

Privacy Policy

What Services does Hannah King Yoga offer?

  • Private yoga sessions

  • Group yoga classes

  • Education based workshops

What Data does Hannah King Yoga Hold?

I hold Information You Have Shared:

  • Information about your life as part of an intake or assessment process for 1:1 yoga or a workshop/retreat booking form

  • Telephone number and email address

  • Consent forms

  • Information on your goals/aims for yoga

  • Medical information- medication, diagnosis, injuries.

  • Emergency contact details that you provide

  • PAR-Q details that you have filled out

How does Hannah King Yoga Collect Data?

There are many ways that I can collect data:

  • Contact forms

  • Intake forms

  • PAR-Q

  • Cookies

  • Feedback forms

  • Course registrations

  • Email newsletter

  • Website analytics (e.g. Google Analytics)

What does Hannah King Yoga do with the Data?

  • Keep a record of 1:1 sessions with dates, brief information on what was covered, concerns about risk & any tools offered.

  • Invoices & payment plans

  • Class attendance registers

Why does Hannah King Yoga collect this data and for how long?

A record of the yoga I share is both to help me remember and review my work, and for insurance purposes.

  • Where you have shared your contact details as an enquiry or to schedule a chat, these details will only be used to make contact with you in relation to your enquiry or to schedule our chat.

  • I am advised to keep a record of my 1:1 for 7yrs after work has ended.

  • I am advised to keep a record of my class attendance register for 7  years

  • Subscriptions to Hannah King Yoga newsletter will be kept indefinitely or until an individual unsubscribes

  • All other details on an individual will only be kept for as long as necessary to satisfy the individual's contract with me & deleted after 7 years.

Where does Hannah King Yoga store data?

I store data on Google Suite as this is password protected. You can read about how Google protects data stored on its cloud services here.

My accounts are accessed via password protected mobile devices including a laptop, computer & mobile phone. Mobile phone numbers for clients are held locally on my mobile phone under non identifiable letters and numbers. No other identifying information is held locally on any of my mobile devices or external hard drives.

Your rights to access data

  • Right to request data amendments

  • Right to request you to delete the acquired information

  • Right to review the collected information. Please drop me an email at hannahkingyoga@gmail.com with your request.

While I use my best efforts to secure my website and information, I cannot guarantee that it won’t fall victim to malicious exploits.

If you want to ask a question or make a complaint please be in touch with me at hannahkingyoga@gmail.com

You can also reach out to the Information Commissioner’s Office - the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues

Contact Details

Hannah King Yoga



Privacy Policy Last Edited 11/06/2023

Client Confidentiality Policy 

No information regarding a client will be shared or distributed.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

Under the following conditions it may be necessary to disclose information pertaining to a client:

  • If Hannah believes a client poses a risk of harm to themselves or to others.

  • If a client reports information indicating that a vulnerable person is suffering neglect or abuse.

In some cases Hannah’s work will take place as part of a wider team. In such cases I may participate in team meetings, reflective practice groups & supervision sessions. In these instances all references to a client will be anonymised.

Depending on the nature of the risk the following may be contacted:

  • local authority safeguarding services

  • a client’s GP

  • a client’s primary mental health provider or therapist

  • the police

This confidentiality policy was last updated on 11/06/23