Wellbeing at work

The latest research from the HSE shows that 36.8 million estimated working days were lost in 2021/22 due to work-related ill health.

Stress, depression or anxiety, and musculoskeletal disorders were the main cause of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2021/22.

Promoting employee wellbeing is good for people and good for business.

I work alongside employers and HR teams to support staff wellbeing. Offering weekly yoga classes, building resilience, stress management and avoiding burnout workshops, and mindfulness walks.

Setting up a weekly in-office or online class

Weekly yoga classes, either in office or online. Classes usually run for 45mins and take place at a time to suit the participants, often early morning, lunch time or after work.

Building resilience and avoiding burnout workshops

These psychoeducational workshops offer an understanding of the physiology and neuroscience of stress. Each session incorporates theory and practice, and offers employees practical tools to implement into their daily lives that focus on building positive, effective habits.

Wellness Action Plan workshops

These workshops are an opportunity for attendees to create an indvidualised Wellness Action Plan, a simple tool to support mental health at work. Wellness Action Plans are inspired by an evidence-based system used worldwide by people to manage their mental health.

One off sessions

An opportunity to offer a one off yoga practice as part of a wellbeing day, conference or event. Often these are delivered in a chair, however if the company has the room and equipment then these sessions can be mat based.