Monday Morning Check-in Journal Prompts


Every Monday morning over in our Online Yoga Community a group of us meet to slowly wake the body up, check-in with ourselves and each other, and most importantly we set intentions for our week ahead. We connect virtually, I’m usually in my PJ’s with a strong cuppa coffee in hand, many roll out of bed, straight on to the mat. It’s pretty potent stuff.

Creating time and space for setting intentions can be really powerful in realising what agency we do actually have over our own lives, especially when we are living during this time of restrictions.

At the beginning of every week I light a candle, sit down with my notebook and pen and journal my intentions and priorities for my week ahead. It helps me get clear in my head what my intention is this week, how I want to feel and what I want to focus my energy on.

Then, if I feel I’m loosing my way during the week, maybe I’m starting to feel overwhelmed or a little low, I flick back to those pages in my book and re-read what I wrote. In particularly I find the final prompt helpful ‘what simple steps can I take if I loose my way this week?’. It acts as a reminder for self care and usually is filled grounding activities and rituals.

I hope you find them as useful as I do.

Monday Morning Journal Prompts

What are my priorities this week

What do I want to make more time and space for?

What do I want to do less of?

How do I want to feel this week?

What can I do to feel this way?

What simple steps can I take if I loose my way this week?