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Harmony is to balance seemingly opposing forces- the shining Yang with it's cooler friend, Yin. Nowadays, yoga classes commonly focus on it's uplifting and jubilant quality or it's restful and restorative nature. To be truly whole and mindful, we must acknowledge our shadowier elements. The rage, the misery, the anguish, the despair. To deny ourselves these painful sensations creates the loss of context and perspective. It is these powerful emotions that are necessary for growth and transformation.
Harmony is to balance seemingly opposing forces- the shining Yang with it's cooler friend, Yin. Nowadays, yoga classes commonly focus on it's uplifting and jubilant quality or it's restful and restorative nature. To be truly whole and mindful, we must acknowledge our shadowier elements. The rage, the misery, the anguish, the despair. To deny ourselves these painful sensations creates the loss of context and perspective. It is these powerful emotions that are necessary for growth and transformation.
Earlier Event: July 29
INSIGHT: Expect Nothing, Receive Everything
Later Event: November 30
Seasonal Self Care- Yoga Workshop